POTASSIUM is very important for our body because it corrects the nerves and muscles of our body. Potassium mixes with sodium and chloride, but it is very important in balancing the amount of acid/alkali and water in our bodies. It helps a lot when the amount of blood in our body becomes very fast, then it helps a lot in reducing it and when there is a lot of tiredness and irritability, it reduces it.
When people get old and there is too much potassium in their body, then it is very dangerous for them because when we get old then our body does not have much strength and the kidney also gets potassium. Do not take them out in large quantities because they are not capable of much.
The highest potassium is found in bananas and also in many fruits and vegetables, such as meat, poultry game, and fish. chard, spinach, mushrooms, fennel (best raw), beetroot, potatoes, oranges, tomatoes, as well as pulses, soy products, bran and bran breakfast cereals